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 Approximately one in seven hundred children throughout Europe are born with cleft lip and/or cleft lip and palate, yet it remains little understood.  The condition is completely treatable, and with the right medical care and social support, children born with clefts can go on to achieve the same as any other child. Yet access to good treatment varies enormously throughout Europe, meaning that many children born with clefts are never given the opportunity to realise their full potential.


We believe all children and adults born with clefts must have:

Equal Opportunities
The right to a life full of equal opportunities without discrimination.

Quality Care
The right to access quality care to experience life to their fullest potential.

Patient-centred care
The right to receive care within a whole person approach which engages from a holistic and multidisciplinary perspective.

The right to benefit from interventions rooted in sound research and best practices.

Our Mission

The European Cleft Organisation (ECO), through training initiatives and a network of partners, creates environments to ensure every family and all children affected by clefts have life-long access to quality care and equal opportunities within our European societies.

Our Vision
Every child with a cleft has lifelong access to quality care and equal opportunities throughout Europe.