It is hard to believe nearly 3 years have passed since this project began and now we are organising an event in Amsterdam to promote the outcomes (see above). The project brought together partners from from 9 countries including the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Serbia, Norway, Romania, Estonia, Ireland, Italy and Malta. Speech therapists and psychologists have been working together to develop an education programme to be delivered by health professionals to parents of children born with clefts. The course will enable parents to identify signs of impairment and offer practical ways of supporting their child who may be experiencing speech and language difficulties and/or psychological challenges associated with their condition. Speech, appearance and psychological adjustment are inextricably linked.
Despite the constraints of Covid 19 we are pleased to have been able to keep the project on track and it will wind up at the end of August. For more details and project resources go to http://www.scr4cleft.org/