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(EN) Face Equality Week 15 – 19 May 2023

ECO forma parte del Comité de Gestión del programa de “Appearance Matters” (el aspecto sí importa), COST Action 1210. Hasta hace poco, se consideraba que el interés de la sociedad por la “apariencia” era generalmente benigno. Sin embargo, actualmente...


Proyectos de ECO por país

ECO trabaja en local con equipos de tratamiento de la fisura labio-palatina y ayuda a crear redes de derivación de pacientes con el fin de asegurar que todos los niños que nazcan con fisura labio-palatina y sus familias reciban...

Surgeon Prof Youri Anastassov, with children from the cleft clinic in Plovdiv, Bulgaria


Our longest-running partnership has been with the cleft team in Plovdiv, Bulgaria where we have been working to reduce the number of babies born with clefts being sent to orphanages. A survey we conducted for UNICEF in 2009 showed...



In Romania ECO is pleased to report the continuing activities of RomaniaCleft, especially in developing dialogue with other countries on all aspects of cleft care. RomaniaCleft, set up in 2012 two years ago as Romania’s first national multidisciplinary cleft...



Following an information meeting with the newly-established federation of Spanish patient support groups, we ran a pilot ‘front-line’ nurse/midwife training course in Bilbao in January 2013. The cleft team were keen to support this and have a long history...