Executive Director Gareth Davies was in Bucharest, Romania, attending the third transnational meeting of the Cutting Edge project, a programme supported by an Erasmus + grant and headed up by the University of Kristianstadin Sweden. Other partners include Norway, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy and ECO in the Netherlands. The two year project aims to develop a short training course for health professionals working with children and adults with clefts and other craniofacial anomalies to make them aware of the importance of ensuring patients have realistic understanding of outcomes before deciding to undergo appearance altering procedures. The process involves screening and assessment to determine whether surgery is the best option for the patient or whether other treatments may be more appropriate such as counselling to build confidence. The course curriculum is in modular form and is about to go through a series of pilot tests in each of the partner countries. Once finalised, the course will be downloadable from the project website along with other reports and guidance notes for health professionals and patients. You can visit the site at www.cuttingedgetraining.nu